Fresh colors and a sense of playfulness are bountiful in each of Pamela Roberson’s mixed media paintings. Distinct layers of loose organic shapes hang above one another, revealing tiers of energetic mark-making and patterning that lie just below the surface. Translucent areas allow light to reveal certain details, encouraging a curious eye to explore the depth of each painting.At the core of her process lies the mindset of staying in the moment. Allowing the painting to reveal itself, she responds to the current shapes, edges, colors, and contrasts. Using mixed media like acrylic paints, carbon pencils, and handmade collage paper, she develops layer upon layer. As each painting progresses, some elements become eclipsed while others unfold. Through a repetitive process of layering and sanding, Roberson creates a storied visual history of each gesture, stroke, and mark.Pamela Roberson is an artist based in Ocklawaha, FL. She studied Fine Art at the University of Houston. She is also an author and art coach, working to support creatives on the path to becoming more authentic and confident in their work.